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The Importance of Literary References for Identity Construction and The Addressee in Améry's and Levi's Texts ::

This study describes the complex relationships between identity, memory and language to be found in Améry’s At the Mind’s Limits and Levi’s If This is a Man, and The Drowned and the Saved. A phenomenological approach is taken to examine the existence and structure of lived experience, placing emphasis on the use of literary references and the importance of the addressee within the texts. Significant differences between both writers’ perception of ‘selfhood’ and memory, before and after internment in Auschwitz, are compared and contrasted. Of particular importance is the question of whether access to a cultural background, exemplified in the texts primarily by literary references, can serve as means of opposing the nihilistic reality of Auschwitz. Each writer’s relationship with his native language is seen as essential to this question. Finally, the sum of these experiences is reflected in an examination of the way the reader is constructed and addressed in the memoires studied

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Tesi finale per un Master in Letterature Europee Comparate, Università del Galles.

A psychoanalytic reading of Tabucchi's 'Declares Pereira': The triumph of Eros over Thanatos. ::

Scritto originale e sperimentale per un Master. Il romanzo 'Sostiene Pereira' di Antonio Tabucchi viene analizzato con una chiave di lettura psicoanalitica. :: Tabucchi’s novel 'Declares Pereira' is analysed with reference to the movement towards a unity on a psychical level in the development of the life and psychical sanity of the main character, Pereira. In Declares Pereira the duality is given by the split personality of the character. The unity is given by Pereira’s regained equal relationship with Eros and Thanatos, elements which exist in everyone’s life, and illustrates the sane acceptance of life and death as a constitutive part of the whole. Being able to accept this, means, as Freud believed, ‘to live under the principle of reality’ with a sane, equal dialectic between light and dark, visible and invisible, life and death. All these elements comprise reality where the predominance and power of each affects the weight of the other.
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Memory, History, Identity in David Rousset's 'A World Apart'. ::

This original essay written for a Master in Literatures in European Cultures, analyses the way in which historic events and one’s memory, both collective and personal, of concentration camps, construct one’s identity in and after the season of Auschwitz. It will be only through the balanced relationship between the horror of Auschwitz and "the strength and the beauty of being alive" that the author can come to terms with his ‘new’ identity.

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The City in Tabucchi's 'Declares Pereira' ::

This original and concise essay, written for a Master in Literature in European Cultures, is a close account of the novel ‘Declares Pereira’ by Antonio Tabucchi and the images of the city in it. This would result as a mirror of the most intimate thoughts of the ‘flaneur’ Pereira. The striking opposition between the city and the countryside and the different attitudes of Pereira in these diverse environments give the reader the political and cultural impasse in which the city of Lisbon, described here during the authoritarian regime of the dictator António de Oliveira Salazar, is engulfed.

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From Superman to superman ::

Oltre ad analizzare gli elementi costitutivi del genere narrativo del fumetto di Superman, questo saggio scritto per un Master in Letterature Europee Comparate si centra su modelli comunicativi e di codifica del mondo fittizio della fiction attraverso un simbolismo derivato dalla realtà più quotidiana dove i Super eroi (Superman in questo caso) necessitano della loro dimensione più umana e fallace. Il titolo del saggio da 'Superman' (in maiuscola) a 'superman' (in minuscola), vuole rendere proprio questa idea. Saggio scritto per un Master in Letterature Europee Comparate dell'Università del Galles.

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A study on the relation of the style of Three Lives to its portraits. ::

This study analyses the close relation of Gertrude Stein's writing to the almost-like -painting descriptions of her fictional characters, in a way close to how Cézanne, Matisse and Picasso painted their portraits

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The nature and function of the angelic and/or demonic in Melville’s work. ::

This study proposes an analysis of Melville's 'Billy Bud Sailor' and 'Moby-Dick; or, The Whale', with respect to the Demonic\Angelic nature of the characters in them. It also proposes the analysis of the names of the characters in the books with the aim to disclose their Angelic or Demonic nature.

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The questions of self-identity in the work of Edgar Allan Poe. ::

This original and well presented essay analyses the question of self-identity in Edgar Allan Poe's: "The Fall of the House of Usher"; "MS Found in a Bottle"; "The Masque of the Red Death"; "A Descent into the Maelström"; "William Wilson"; "The Black Cat"; "The Tell-Tale Heart".

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Reading Camilo José Cela’s Viaje a la Alcarria (Journey to the Alcarria) ::

This original work presents a personal reading of Camilo José Cela's book 'Viaje a la Alcarria' (Journey to the Alcarria). It analyses in depths the constitutive features of this travelogue and the role of literature as a vehicle to representing social problems relating to a particular historical period: Spain in 1946, soon after the Second World War and the Spanish Civil War (1936-39).

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An Angel at The End of (On) the Road: a metaphysical reading of Loriga’s My Brother’s gun. ::

This original study, written for a Master in Compared European Literatures, proposes a religious reading of Ray Loriga’s book ‘Caídos del Cielo’ (My Brother’s Gun), using as a reading key the ancient Hebrew conception of God as ‘I Was I Am I Will Be’. It analyses in depths the psychological development of the main character and those traveling with him on ‘this valley of tears’ until achieving the total acceptance of reality as being composed by infinite attributes. Great emphasis is given to the intertextual references to the novel, such as those of Jack Kerouac and, more in general, the American popular culture.

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Libro Illustrato su Libero Liberati

Libro Illustrato su Libero liberati. Lo trovi su o cercalo su facebook "Il Cavaliere d'Acciaio". E' anche possibile acquistare questo libro con spedizione postale. Per informazioni scrivimi a
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Esempio di restauro di una scrivania :: Ejemplo de restauración de un escritorio

Tourist Information Marbella, Puerto Banús, Costa del Sol Andalusia